Op-Ed: It’s time to get used to a new global order with China and the U.S. at its centre

This latest op-ed by UBC Lind Initiative Visiting Fellow Robert Muggah and UBC Political Science Professor Yves Tiberghien argues that whichever way the global order shifts, this will inevitably shape global stability and the security of all people, including Canadians. We must acknowledge that the era of U.S. hegemony is over and that the world is shifting to a new multi-polar order with the U.S. and China at its centre and other major powers exerting spheres of influence. This world will “doubtlessly be more complicated and potentially more precarious than the present one.”

They suggest that Canada still has an essential role to play as a mediator and broker on the global stage, but also as a progressive hub of global governance entrepreneurship.

Learn more in this ipolitics article.